Sunday 13 July 2014

Technology Road-map Outline

I've been considering the following outline for a technology road-map.  My main goals are to focus on the gap assessment between current state and trends, and the risks and relationships between the parts.

1. Vision, Mission, Goals
2. Business Drivers
3. Business Capability
4. Maturity Assessment / Measures

Shared Governance
5. Stakeholders
6. Workflow / RASCI / Structure
7. Communication Plan
8. Organizational/Functional Relationships

IT Risks and Strategy
9. Technology Trends
10. SWOT Analysis / Key Risks
11. Contingencies / MoSCoW
12. WISE Grid

IT Tactics
13. IT Alignment
14. Concept Diagrams (As-Is, To-Be)
15. Context Diagrams (As-Is, To-Be)
16. 5 year Gant (-1,this year,+3)

IT Details
17. Dependencies
18. Initiative Details with CAPEX/OPEX
19. Parking Lot
20. Sign off

I've thought about a section of success and accomplishments; something to show measurement against objectives.